Happy New 2023 Year

First Quarter for 2023 Monthly Calendars are posted.

Miami, Florida 1946

F-50 TEMPO V | F-18 YELLOW JACKET | A-35 SALLY JR | F-43 | F-12

Miami, Florida 1947

This must be a free-for-all race as different classes are mixed together. 2-A Hurricane II (Wickens) leading the charge, with a slew of Ventnors running with it: F-7 Sunshine Baby, F-41(?) Dolphin, F-43 Lou’s Blues, F-31 How-Mar IV, N-26 Columbus Babe. On the outside lane is F-1 Tops (guessing it is the Pop Cooper’s Tops Speedliner hydro) bringing up the outside lane. Also wondering if F-1 on the outside lane hit that 55 gallon drum buoy?
Great photograph (and I don’t know who took it). Click on pic to see a higher resolution.

Dallas Kremer in his Moonshine Baby E-54

Enjoying a smoke.
E-54 crewmen and others
St Pete 1958
E-54 Moonshine Baby (Dal Kremer) and Miss Fit S-14? (Gil Phipps)
Illinois bound in 1959
1957 Melbourne

All these neat pics were recently sent to me from Dallas Kremer’s family. They also sent me some trophies and a really neat Moonshine Baby team jacket from back in the day. I can’t thank the family enough. Above is some of the info/pics of Dallas Kremer’s Moonshine Baby E-54, 280 cu in class hydro. This was the hydro he raced just before Dal and Jim Moore he built the 7-Litre Moonshine Baby H-54 (your webmaster’s hydro) in 1960-61. E-54 is a beauty of a Rich Hallett hydro IMO. Dal built a totally enclosed cockpit for this 280 hydro and took it to Florida to run the grapefruit races down there in the winter of 1959. Dal was 40 years ahead of his time with that idea aerodynamically. All these pics above and more added to the Moonshine Bay E-54 web page.
I also received some pics of A-54 Moonshine Baby that he capaigned prior to the E-54 and will post pics/info when time permits.

1956 225 National Championship races – Melbourne, Kentucky

Dotty Mack had her own show on WCPO-TV airing out of Cincinnati in the early 1950s.
She was the featured dignitary at the 1956, 225 cu in National Championship races held on the Ohio River in Melbourne, Kentucky.
Pretty neat how the women folks in the boat racing clubs joined together to support the guys and the club events.

Read / see more from the 1956 Melbourne, Kentucky Race program.