Phil Kunz has this photo in his Scrapbook section of his website of the boat, dated 1952.
The boat was built by Don & Bruce Smith in the mid or late 1940s and Bruce campaigned it for a few years from the late 40s through the early 50s.
The above photo was taken by Phil Spruit at the 1998 Clayton Antique Race Boat Regatta. Someone from Florida drove it up and it was for sale there.
Framing was made out of oak, probably the only reason it lasted so long.The boat ran in the 225 class/Division 1. The hydro was powered by a Flathead 6 cyl motor, GMC? Interesting part of this boat is the hand hammered aluminum cowlings, ala sprint car and midget construction of the day. Very high quality work on the cowlings.
The boat must have been retired by the mid 1950s and may have been “put out to pasture” into the field around the rural Cincinnati area.
Past owners were the Wermes brothers and Bill MacTague of Cincinnati, Ohio.
The photos below – show how how it looks today after Don Kelson beautifully restored it.
Not bad looking for a sixty-something year old race boat!