Leap Year 2016

I can’t think of a better photo to represent our Leap Year month this February than the 3 Jersey Speed Skiffs of DeGlopper Racing.

DeGlopper Racing

APBA V&H Lifejacket recertification issues

From APBA V&H Chief Inspector – Rich Evans:

There seems to be a great deal of consternation at the moment about re-certification of lifejackets.
Three areas that cover lifejackets are the manufacturing standards as rewritten in 2013, the General Safety-Racing Rules, and the Vintage By-Laws Article VI Paragraph 13.B. The By-Laws may be found on the APBA website.
At points in the past, it was required to re-certify your jacket on a regular basis. This is no longer required unless (a) you wish to do, or (b) your inspector feels that your safety would be best served by re-certification.
The reference in the Vintage By-Laws to a re-certification date is made simply to establish the fact that, if the jacket is re-certified, it is properly labeled by the person who did the work.
Vintage By-Laws are found at:  https://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/documents/2015-V%26H.pdf
General Safety-Racing Rules: https://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/documents/2016-GSR-GRR_0.pdf
Lifejacket specs are at: http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/documents/2013-APBA%20LIFE%20JACKET%20BASIC%20MANUFACTURING%20SPECIFICATIONS.pdf


Redhead B-1

RedheadVERY interesting read on Woody Boater on this New Zealand home built boat (made of  Kauri timber) and the man who was first in New Zealand to crack the 100 MPH barrier.

Arno XI

1953 Timossi-Ferrari Arno XI

The Arno XI is a hydroplane inspired by Achille Castoldi in the early 1950s and built by Timossi Azzano

Record 7

New WANTED poster on Phil Kunz’s website.




H-45 Hornet

H-45 HornetGreat pic posted in Vintage Hydroplane Lover’s Facebook page by Sandy Ross.
I can see at least 3 modifications made to this hull….

New Year…New Calendars

Happy 2016 from The Irishman

Monthly Calendars are done & will be posted for the year. However, only one photo calendar has been put up (above, for January).
After I receive the APBA V&H 2016 Schedule, I will add in the dates on each monthly calendar and post the rest of the calendars. I’ll add in pics as I get them.
If you would like to contribute a photo for inclusion on a future monthly calendar, PLEASE email it to me.
Hope everyone has plans for a HAPPY NEW (Vintage) YEAR!

Restless 32-H

I’m trying to make sense of this “boat for sale” description, no date (sometime after 1956) in documents associated with boats owned by Henry J. Kaiser.
Your site shows Restless II and III, but how does this boat fit in?

Thanks for any help.
Lincoln Cushing
Archivist, Kaiser Permanente Heritage Resources

APBA – Vintage Officers

Your 2016 APBA V&H Representatives for 2016 are posted.
These guys and gals work hard for you and to better our V&H group.
Thank you for your efforts.