
Dear Phil (Kunz),

I am trying to locate (or at least learn the history and fate of) a 225ci hydroplane N-79, “Jezebel” built and raced by my father, Douglass C. Harvey, in the early 1950’s out of Rochester N.Y. I’ve attached 2 pictures of him in the boat, taken around 1958. As I recall, most of his racing was in Irondequoit Bay, Lake Ontario, just East of Rochester. I believe this was his third home-built 225 hydro; I don’t know much about the first two, except that the second one was named Dan’l and (from an old picture of it being built) it looked like a rectangular box with sponsons just attached to the side (probably raced in the 1947-49 timeframe).

I always wanted to drive Jezebel, but as I was only 12 or 13 at the time, Dad wisely put me off. He told me that if I built and learned to drive a smaller hydro, he would reconsider after I turned 16. I built a class B hydro and spent several years running it around a small lake in the Adirondacks. Just before I reached 16, however, he sold Jezebel to someone in Ohio (around 1958). By the time I was interested in trying to locate it, Dad wasn’t able to recall the buyer’s name. All he could tell me was that he received a note from the new owner saying that he had won a race the first year he had the boat.

As I live just North of Detroit, I’ve been to the APBA headquarters and have started looking at the old records. I haven’t been able to determine the purchaser’s name yet. I am hoping that you might recall the boat or have some suggestions on how I can attempt to trace it after Dad sold it.

Thanks for any help you can provide, Bob Harvey, Bingham Farms, MI

Editor’s Note: Mr. Kunz didn’t recall knowing this particular boat from that time period, but he scanned a couple of entry lists from race programs of 1951 & 1952 programs from New Martinsville, WV that showed some boats entered under that boat name to send to Mr. Harvey. I thought the scans were pretty neat to see so I included them as well.
Mr. Kunz is that type of gentleman who will take the time to look for some history for this Mr. Harvey’s father’s hydro.
If you know anything about this boat, please contact Mr. Harvey (by sending him an email).
Neat old school hydro lines on her and also a pretty neat set of cowlings!


1951 President’s Cup Regatta Program

President's Cup My 1951 President’s Cup Regatta Program cover is autographed by Maj Horace Dodge and Guy Lombardo in upper left corner.
Tom Alligood

Unlimited News Journal

The “new” March Issue of the UNJ is available to read on our website at
Going into 2016 we have a new look and some new features so be sure and check it out.
This month the issue is packed with stories and news, starting with the new sponsorship for the U-1 Madison team, the recent H1 Awards Banquet, an article on Dave Culley and the 1969 season compiled by editor Andy Muntz from an interview done by one of the founders of the UNJ, E.K. Muller, an article remembering Hydro-Mania in Seattle, and evening with Jim Lucero, and the latest in race team news.


New info posted in the APBA V&H section
– safety issues and forms that you may need.
– 2016 Schedule of Events.
– minutes from the 2016 National Meeting held in Chicago last month.

Miss Merion Bluegrass

Miss Merion Bluegrass
Kirk Rogers had the famous hull replicated  by Don Kelson. The original hull was designed and constructed by Ken Kimbrough and Dr. Ed Johnston. The original owner was the late Fred Rogers.2016_MMB_2013_picThe photo has both the current crew and most of the original crew, driver and builder.
Stacey Anderson, Paul Miller, Mick Malcolm, Jim Burrill, Kevin Rogers, Kirk Rogers – current owner, driver, *Earl Wham – driver, *Robert Schultz – Uncle & crew, Frank Woods, *Pat Campbell – crew, *Ken Kimbrough – original builder.
* original group from the 1960 & 1970s.

Check out the Miss Merion Bluegrass website.

Lauterbach Unlimited

Lauterbach U-5According to his facebook page, Larry Lauterbach looks to be traveling back to the Lauterbach shop with this gem in tow.
A lot of fans will be glad to see this hydro come back in it’s racing form, if indeed that is it’s future. The word on Facebook is – this was the hull that Bill Sterett had and was reworking and planning on converting to the infamous, Chrysler Crew.
Regardless of whatever configuration is in the future for this hull, let’s just hope it will be — a rare Unlimited class Lauterbach restored.

Photo credit:  Hank Kosciuszko              Miami, Florida

Above photo came from Hank’s photo album posted on Unlimited’s Detroit

Leap Year 2016

I can’t think of a better photo to represent our Leap Year month this February than the 3 Jersey Speed Skiffs of DeGlopper Racing.

DeGlopper Racing

APBA V&H Lifejacket recertification issues

From APBA V&H Chief Inspector – Rich Evans:

There seems to be a great deal of consternation at the moment about re-certification of lifejackets.
Three areas that cover lifejackets are the manufacturing standards as rewritten in 2013, the General Safety-Racing Rules, and the Vintage By-Laws Article VI Paragraph 13.B. The By-Laws may be found on the APBA website.
At points in the past, it was required to re-certify your jacket on a regular basis. This is no longer required unless (a) you wish to do, or (b) your inspector feels that your safety would be best served by re-certification.
The reference in the Vintage By-Laws to a re-certification date is made simply to establish the fact that, if the jacket is re-certified, it is properly labeled by the person who did the work.
Vintage By-Laws are found at:
General Safety-Racing Rules:
Lifejacket specs are at: