Tommy Thompson and FAT CHANCE A-25 inboard hydroplane goes airborne at Rocky Fork, Ohio in 2006. The flip was captured by photographer Phil Kunz. The driver and hydroplane survived to race another day. Phil told me this is one of the better flip photo sequences he photographed of a hydroplane taking flight.
Propeller Damage pics
Zippy Pickle

His Canadian RC club displays at the Buffalo Launch Club vintage show each year.
Bill DeGlopper

Columbus 1960

This photo courtesy of Michelle Nabozny and her Dad, Doug Maykovich. She writes: “I don’t know why Dad had this picture, but I think I see him in the pic, but in 1960 he would have been almost 16”. Her father was a premier engine builder so she is wondering if he was working on hydroplane engines.
Race Regatta Program Covers

Drew Herrick sent us 33 New Martinsville Regatta Race Program covers to add to our “Official Race Programs” book (we have almost 325 covers now). I really like this first one he sent from 1953. The Y-333 SHOOTING STAR is a cool boat, cool name, and even his helmet is painted nicely to go with his theme. The Program is kinda neat as it is New Martinsville’s 14th Annual race and they give a tip of the hat by noting A.P.B.A.’s 50th Anniversary on their cover. I also added some other covers that folks have sent us (and a couple of ones we are borrowing from the www). It makes a really neat book seeing all of them together. If you visit, they are arranged by years from oldest to newest.
If you want to see what’s behind those covers, TVH does go more in-depth on some of these Race Programs by scanning/posting the contents an what’s inside on some of these official Race Programs. Those can be found @…/regatta_past.html
Ed Karelson – story
The Ed Karelson Story by Rusty Rae. One of the greatest hydroplane builders of all time. (1988)
AQUA ALLISON – article by Bill Holder & Phil Kunz
This article appeared in Engine Builder magazine (Dec 2014)