Hydrocart History

A few posts back on this bulletin, I posted some info/pics on a hydrocart someone had. Another email was just r’cd on these unique lil’ raceboats, I thought I’d share along with some neat photos.

Hi Phil —
Thanks for taking the time and posting these jpegs . My father, Craig Bowman helped found the National Hyrokart Association in 1963. He was working in a friend’s fiberglass shop in El Monte, CA where the owner and his son were getting into boat building and racing. Since my dad was the lightest weight guy at the shop, he was recruited to be their driver. The attached photos were from a meet on Oct 6th, 1963 at Lake Ming in Bakersfield, CA where dad won the inboard division on a Dolphin hydrokart. The membership card was designed by my dad when they started the association earlier in the season. He was charging about $20 to register and join, which entitled you to a booklet of meets and rules & regs, etc. that was advertised in the back of a popular boating magazine at the time.

Letters began pouring in from all over, and he was even contacted by a man in Russia who was compiling a government-issued almanac on boat racing and very interested in the hydrokart phenomenon… At this point, my dad got a little nervous as he had accumulated $3-400 dollars of membership dues and wasn’t quite sure what to do next — it all happened very quickly.  Eventually it was funneled into proper usage for NHA activities and the rest is history, but I thought hydrokart enthusiats might enjoy this bit of history and vintage photos.

Eric Bowman


  1. Dear Sirs,
    My name is Louis A. Skuce of San Diego, CA, and I used to live in El Monte, CA from 1962 to 1965. My Dad, Nicholas Skuce, my brother, Nicholas A. Skuce Jr. (Digga), and my self
    were the founders of Dolphin Marine, later Dolphin Engineering and Research Co. True to the article above, Craig Bowman was recruited by my dad to drive my boat, (I was too young and inexperienced at the time); and yes, he won the first hydro kart race at Hansen Dam on May 5, 1963, as well as the U.S. – 1 Championship for single engine inboard karts that year. What a delight to see this bit of hydro kart history printed here in this publication. Thanks for posting it. Sincerely, Louis Skuce.

    1. Hi Louis
      My name is John Burnett. Around 1966 I purchased a boat from your family and started racing with you Digger and your dad Nick. Also went to school with your sister Diane
      I also helped around your shop. We carried my boat on top of my 1965 GTO If you recall
      Don’t know if you remember me but I remember those times fondly. I lost contact you you guys when I got drafted and went on to service in Vietnam.
      Don’t know if this will ever reach you but I hope it does.

      1. Hi Louis
        My name is John Burnett. Around 1966 I purchased a boat from your family and started racing with you Digger and your dad Nick. Also went to school with your sister Diane
        I also helped around your shop. We carried my boat on top of my 1965 GTO If you recall
        Don’t know if you remember me but I remember those times fondly. I lost contact you you guys when I got drafted and went on to service in Vietnam.
        Don’t know if this will ever reach you but I hope it does.

  2. Hi there, I have and old Hydrokart sized boat. Haven’t been able to find any info or pics. Can anyone help me identify it? It says Hydroswift, but that was a dead end.

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