Randy Mueller adds some more photos to his DOUBLE TROUBLE 48-Y webpage.
“Back in the late 50’s I was able to tour Ted Jones shop in south Seattle and dreamed of owning a Jones 48 someday. Several years later I bought a set of his 48 plans, which I still have. I have been volunteering my time at the Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum in restoring some of the old Unlimiteds, and when I got talking about my old 48 days they mentioned they had a Jones 48 in one of their storage warehouses. Boy, did my ears ever perk up then. I kept pestering them to take me over to see it, and finally asked if they ever sold any of their donated boats. Storage space started getting expensive, and they did not have room at the Museum to display her, so the Board of Directors voted to sell her to me. After that I was finally able to see her, and she was in incredible condition for a boat right out of the 1970s. Eventually, when the Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum expands their facility, they should have room to display the old outboards and limited class inboards and Double Trouble will end up back there on display.”