I have an appreciation for boat racing that is turned into artwork and Race Programs had many fine examples of this work. I took all the Race Program covers we had (almost 300 of them) and put them into a flip book. The covers are arranged within the book in chronological order from oldest to newest.
George Walther’s Country Boy
Phil Kunz is doing 3 stories on the boats that campaigned under the COUNTRY BOY name.
The first CB story is on George Walther and his sons. The other stories will be the Wiener family’s Country Boy and the Siracusa family’s Country Boy.
The Walther’s boats campaigned under the name COUNTRY BOY and wow, did they have a lot of hydros. The boat racing bug started with Dad (George) as a young lad in the outboard class and then he moved up to the limited inboard classes. Eventually his son’s Skip and Salt took over driving as they became old enough to drive and the family did well. The Walther’s family last moved up to the unlimited class and ran a few of the big boats. The Unlimited hydros were not running under the CB name (as you could sell the boat’s naming rights to help support the cause). A real neat story and we think you will be amazed at the number of Country Boy hulls that they campaigned.
ANDIAMO – the boats raced by Tony Lamontia
Tony Lamontia raced from 1949 through the late 1980s. All his boats were named ANDIAMO. The Ron Jones built hydro (above) was the last boat he raced and his son Mark purchased it and it has been fully restored and now campaigns on the vintage circuit. Mark put together a wonderful webpage documenting his father’s racing days.