
Dear Phil (Kunz), I am trying to locate (or at least learn the history and fate of) a 225ci hydroplane N-79, “Jezebel” built and raced by my father, Douglass C. Harvey, in the early 1950’s out of Rochester N.Y. I’ve attached 2 pictures of him in the boat, taken around …

Unlimited News Journal

The “new” March Issue of the UNJ is available to read on our website at Going into 2016 we have a new look and some new features so be sure and check it out. This month the issue is packed with stories and news, starting with the new sponsorship …

Miss Merion Bluegrass

Miss Merion Bluegrass Kirk Rogers had the famous hull replicated  by Don Kelson. The original hull was designed and constructed by Ken Kimbrough and Dr. Ed Johnston. The original owner was the late Fred Rogers.The photo has both the current crew and most of the original crew, driver and builder. …

Redhead B-1

VERY interesting read on Woody Boater on this New Zealand home built boat (made of  Kauri timber) and the man who was first in New Zealand to crack the 100 MPH barrier.

Arno XI

1953 Timossi-Ferrari Arno XI The Arno XI is a hydroplane inspired by Achille Castoldi in the early 1950s and built by Timossi Azzano

Restless 32-H

Hello- I’m trying to make sense of this “boat for sale” description, no date (sometime after 1956) in documents associated with boats owned by Henry J. Kaiser. Your site shows Restless II and III, but how does this boat fit in? Thanks for any help. Lincoln Cushing Archivist, Kaiser Permanente …