A new historical web page added to the  boats section on HANK’S PRANK series of Sooy hulls that Henry (Hank) J. Evans Jr. campaigned for years along the Eastern US.

Ron Jones, Sr. passing

The memorial service for Ron Jones Sr., will be held from 11am to 4pm on March 4th at the Life Center located at 1717 S Union Ave Tacoma, WA 98405 From David Williams, The Hydroplane & Race Boat Museum on Facebook this morning (1/19/17): It is with great sadness that …

Gold Cup trivia

Started 100 years ago when Bernard Smith, driver of Miss Minneapolis, won the race and the right to have his named etched on the Gold Cup in 1916. The rest of the other driver names etched in it (plus some other info) can be read at Wiki.

Gar Wood Quote

…..someone told Gar Wood that his boats were not gentleman runabouts to which he replied, “No gentleman would ever ride in one of those boats”.

Unlimited New Journal

The December 2016 issue, is now online @ www.unlimitednewsjournal. net/December_2016. In the December issue is part one of a great conversation with Detroit’s Mark Weber, done by Craig Fjarlie. Neat story on the early days of the Weber Family.

Looking for Justa Pest

Does anybody know anything about boat Justa Pest. Ive tried a number of times to contact Bill McTague in attempt to determine status of the boat. I cannot get a good phone # or email . I’ve been trying for over a year / perhaps they are all gone. Thank-you …

Looking for 95-S

Hello, I’m trying to find an S class boat or anything on it, that my dad raced and owned in Seattle from 1958-1960. Ford Flathead V8. His name is Ted Van Decar. Here’s a few pics, not the greatest but all I have. Thank you Callaway Van Decar

Miss Vitamilk H-10

Doug Brow driving his Dad’s Miss Vitamilk H-10 at Black Lake.  Doug found the boat in a warehouse in Seattle and had it restored. Doug’s father Bill Brow was billed as the “World’s Fastest Milkman” and drove the Miss Burien, Miss Bardahl, Miss Exide and was killed in 1967 driving the …