Australia displacement hulls

In Australia displacement hulls were the most popular and during the 40’s, to the early 70’s one of Australia’s best builders of clinker constructed boats was Frank Lewis in Sydney. I have attached a shot of a 17 ft Skiff of timber construction showing the graceful lines of this type …

Miss Thriller

Dave R. found this on the internet. Note the big aircraft engines. The ‘Sea Sled’ name sounds like a good description for the hull. The boat reminds me of the thrill jet boats that I’ve taken at tourist destinations. Big motor in back with a few church pews in front …

Hydro ID needed

Webmaster, Could you please post this on your site:  I am new to this whole thing and obtained  this relic and would like to know what direction to go in:  Thank you for your help. I would like some help with any information on this hull.  I realize it is …

Belle A-66

Brian Blazer has completed another beautiful reproduction of another famous hydroplanes in stunning detail for Richard Landaiche. Richard told me “You know, my dad has been battling some medical conditions the last few years but when he saw the boat, he lit up. It’s been 3 hrs now and I …


BABY JUNO II in Italy. Is this the same Juno I saw at Dora years ago? If it is…some hydros really get around! Also, I always wonder about the origin of boat names……. Juno has many meanings but probably the most well known is the ancient Roman goddess. Anyone know …

WWII Packard 4M2500

This is the newly rebuilt Packard almost ready to go back in the Antique Boat Museums 48 foot “runabout” Pardon Me.  She simply purrs now at a 400 rpm idle.  About 1650 HP and burns 50 gallons of AVGAS at 2100 rpm.  Look at the camshafts.  Design on this monster …


Dixie photo from MotorBoating magazine Oct 1909 p4. Thanks to Dave Richardson for sending in!


1912…Pretty Dam Quick II owned by A. G. Miles testing at speed on the St. Lawrence River just off Alexandria Bay. Winner of the 1912 Gold Cup at 36.8 MPH. I can see his former summer home from my office window. Regards, Dave Richardson

Heavy Hauler

Three very poor pictures of the Heavy Hauler as I found it in Seattle . Bill Smart,  Boise, ID I r’cd this pic June 3, 2011 — I wonder how it has progressed…anybody know?