Category: Boats
Violator M-5
This is a photo of my father’s first F-service runabout VIOLATOR M-5. It was a modified 1947 Chris Craft racing runabout with a 392 Hemi and a V-drive. It raced in Buffalo, NY, St. Petersburg and Miami, FL in the early fifties. If you have any photos of this boat, …
Buccaneer E-101 – Picton, Ontario 1979 Buccaneer E-101 – Tonawanda, New York One of Ron Jones best boats ever. Winning more races then just about any boat ever built by him. Brent Franklin
Mason’s project
Editor’s Note – for some reason I had these pics and no info to go with them, but I thought worth publishing. Reply if you have any info to add.
why not have a fast lake racer too
Merlyn Culver, famous Yankee Doodle owner/driver, in his Lauterbach that he got in trade and put a Mercury outboard on. The hydro started out life as a 266 cubic inch class with a flathead Ford. You can see where the exhaust holes were patched up. When Merlyn got it, he …
Flying Dutchman
My name is Kim. My father built and manufactured The Flying Dutchmen Racing boats in Miami, FL in the early 1960s and later moved to Ohio. He raced professionally for many years. We have 100s of pictures and movies. My Dad is in bad health now at the age of …
looking for info on IFA Wartburg
Hello, a year ago I stumbled over some pictures of an inboard hydroplane on the internet. I forgot to add the site to my favorites and now I can’t find it. It had a rather unusual engine (even for us Europeans) a three cylinder 2-stroke engine from an IFA Wartburg, …
Restoration outboards
I finished up a Mk55 in the Spring 2006 and used it on my Wild One II which I finished the fall before. Got a 10hp Wizard and a 1929 Johnson K45 that came with a pointed nose cone as though maybe some body raced it way back. Went to …
Homemade built outboard hydro sets record in 1961
The attached photo is from 1961. It is my father in his hand built outboard hydro, testing in the IntraCoastal Waterway, in Jupiter, Florida. He set a UIM World Record for Outboard Pleasure Craft /Outboard Unlimited on December 31st, 1961. Ted Jones told him that if he could “Fly” the …