Hood Open

I always liked the idea of a engine cowling that opens like a race car hood for easy access to the engine bay. Pulling off these engine cowlings can be a bit tricky (especially when the boat is in the water) and then one needs to find a place to …

Buccaneer — Simulator

Greg and I bought the Buccaneer from Tom Bock in 1995 and was our first UL. We sold that to Paul Becker about 2002 and he ran as UL. He sold to Greg Walden from Atomic Screen Printing. He ran as a UL around 2006-2007? I actually drove it a …

Frankie’s Boy

Phil Kunz has this photo in his Scrapbook section of his website of the boat, dated 1952. The boat was built by Don & Bruce Smith in the mid or late 1940s and Bruce campaigned it for a few years from the late 40s through the early 50s. The above …

F-90 Miss Peg

After weighing the Miss Peg F-90 on race car scales they found that it was light on transom weight and O/D/B Jack Hines moved the battery back approx two feet. This made it easier to get up on plane and as you can see from the photos, the reports from …

Miss Daytona

1929 Miss Daytona Hydroplane from John Van Osdol on Vimeo. Bruce Meyer purchased this vintage 17′ hydroplane race boat and flies to Bay City, Michigan to let it loose on the Saginaw River before transporting it to its next home in California

Black Dog Salvage

Hi Phil, I found your website while researching a vintage Neal Hydroplane that we recently acquired – please see attached for photos. This came from a home in Fairmont, WV and came with a racing trophy from the 50s. Does anyone know if there is a market for this? If …

Dayton Testing 2013

Vintage hydros ready to go in on Eastwood Lake in Dayton. The weather was perfect – slight wind and temps in the mid 60s made for a spectacular setting. This is the first time in many years that Dayton had 2 cranes available to move the boats in & out …

Scrappy being rebuilt by CSA

Here’s a neat video showing the tear down and prep work for the rebirth of Scrappy by members of the California Speedboat Association. After a minute or 2 of the photo slide show that starts off, a time-lapse video takes over as the CSA members kick into gear, tear her …