Harry Holst’s HEATWAVE II

Awesome photo from Harry’s facebook page. Sorry for no photo credit given, by maybe Ross M?). Click on pic like 3x until it is fully enlarged (until you see Betty Boop kicking up her high heels). Interesting, quick read on this Vance Whiteman hull on the website.

Riva Italy – Classic Racing

Hello Vintage Hydroplanes, This summer I campaigned the Lady Payne in Riva. The people from the Ferretty Group told me after the Race “ La Musica “ from Lady Payne with that open exhaust. 1. Lady Payne    Chevy 6300 2. El Biso VI       Celli BPM 8000 3. Timossi          BPM 8000 …

Hornet A-7

Anders Svenson found this picture from the 70s in Sweden. He posted it on the Vintage Hydroplane Lovers facebook page.

Community Center

If you stopped in to visit the Community Center last week and were wondering “where did the link to it go?” – it was removed. Long story, but during “routine” maintenance to the Community Center boards, mistakes were made by me and I could not recover some parts of the …


Driver in water watches on as safety crew puts out fire. The photo shows only damage only to the linen wrap on the engine cowling. photo courtesy on the Don MacDonald collection. Thanks to Ross McCracken for scanning and forwarding this…..and the next 2 great photos!


Paul Reid sent me a note that this hull was designed/built by Jerry Longtin who was famous for his CANADIANA hulls. Built circa 1946 and won Valleyfield in 1956 with Francois Lavinge at the helm. In looking at the L’Atomique you can see some of the same design DNA that …