Rudy Toot (early Wickens)

Rudy Nielson sent in a few more photos of the neat Wickens he raced back in the early 1960s to his webpage. Included with those pics is also a news article on the race in Tonawanda on July 1967, some hydro race tidbits, and more pics of his other hydro …


Some good tidbits of information (and a good refresher) on towing a trailer with electric brakes.

DeGlopper Racing

Bill DeGlopper send in a couple pics from his family’s long tradition of boat racing. Above photo is from the 1947 CNE races in Toronto. N-39 returning to the pits. N-39 is my Dad’s hydro being driven my his brother Ray DeGlopper. The boat leaving the pits is Bob Chalmers …


John O’Mara (of New York) built this radical design for this hydroplane in the late 1940s in Dayton, Ohio. The boat was built using magnesium sheeting over a wood frame design.  We don’t know where the idea for this design came from. It could have well been one of those …