Ron Jones Advanced Designs

Design Excellence · 60 Years · Timeless Innovation

Ted Jones Classic Hydroplanes

Thank you very much for your interest in the Ted Jones Classic hydroplane plans, which my dad, Ted Jones, pioneered and developed in the late 1930's and during the 1940's.  The plans you see offered on the Vintage Hydroplanes web site are a complete list of APBA racing hydroplanes featuring forward engine, driver aft conventional configuration of the Classic hydroplane era.  There are seven (7) limited hydroplane sets in all, featuring:


48 cu. In. * 135 cu. In. * 136 cu. In. * 225 cu. In. * 280 cu. In. * 266 cu. In. * 7 liter


In 1950, my dad achieved historic success when he designed and built the "Slo-mo-shun IV" unlimited hydroplane, which set a new world speed record, bringing the famed record to America from England.  He then drove the IV to win the Gold Cup trophy, taking the race away from Detroit for the first time in many years, creating a fierce, decades long hydroplane rivalry between two great cities, Seattle and Detroit. During the years following, I worked for my dad, and one of my chores was to take his limited hydro designs, which were typically a sketch and a schedule of coordinates, and scale them to accurate drawings that others could use to build competitive boats.  This I did, and many successful hydros were drawn, built, and raced.  As an honor to my late dad, I have recently taken on the task of updating those historic drawings, featuring detail and precision to the best of my ability, and making them available to the folks now having a great time building and restoring vintage hydros.  There are 17 to 20+ sheets in each set of drawings, and they are quite completeI'm sure that you will be as happy with the quality and detail of these historic drawings as I, and that you will be able to build beautiful boats as my dad and I did together!

 Sincerely, Ron Jones Sr.




Example of each class

48 cu. In.


Double Trouble, Darrel Olsen

135 cu. In.


Avenger, Eddie Meyer

136 cu. In.


Tiger Too, Harry Schneider

225 cu. In.


Black Stream, Doug Tenzler
Miss Tide Air, George Henley

280 cu. In.


Wee Wahoo, Mira Slovak

266 cu. In.


Thrifty Chevalier, Bill Muncey

7 liter


Miss Vitamilk, Bill Brow

If you purchase:

  • 2 sets, 5% discount
  • 3-6 sets, 10% discount
  • All 7 sets, $2900
  • Reasonable shipping fees will apply

 To protect intellectual property, each page is copyrighted, and would be stamped restricting re-printing.

The plans are for one-time use only.

Ron Jones Advanced Designs  ·  22604 58th Place South  Kent, WA  98032  ·  (253) 221-3159


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