There were 12 hydroplanes and 1 runabout
representing the Vintage class at this year's Hydromania.
The breakdown was as follows: 2 - Gran Prix, 1 -J class, 2 - six Litre, 1 - 280 class, 2 - 225 class, 1 - 850 class, 1 - Unlimited, and 3 outboards. Six hydros all ran together, on Sunday,
at noon, right before the scheduled races. The vintage display was outside
the regular pit area, where the spectators could see the boats up close
and ask questions.
DeGlopper with his 850 cc hydro, Century 21 Special Y-3, Hellion
N-82, and Stover's Hire 56-H, part of the The Flying
A Race Team. Nice board displays showing history and restoration photos.
Gordon Jayne in his Grand Prix class Dinomytes.