Miss Seattle Jr. Y-49
I fell in love with the 48's back in the mid-50's when I was a kid.
I got a chance to buy an old, (early 50's) Colcock 48 rather cheap.
So I bought it to get out on the water.
I painted her up, named her Miss Seattle jr. (my favorite unlimited
was Miss Seattle) and was assigned the # Y-49.
I had to wait until I was 16 to race her, and not long after that I
threw a rod.
On my High School budget that pretty much ended my limited career.
I sure had a lot of fun running/testing her, though.
In January 1960 (I was 14 then) I bought a new assembled 48 Hickling
frame, the start of my dream.
After about a year progress was very slow because of high cost of new
materials and hardware.
I kept construction going on the Hickling since I had most of the material
on-hand to finish her.
In the fall of 1963 I started college and had to put a stop to everything
-- no time or money.
After that the Navy Reserve called (I joined while in High School)
and that consumed another 2-years of my young life.
Both 48's were sold during all this.
I now own the 48 cu. in. class, Double Trouble.
© Randy Mueller |