OWNER/DRIVER:  Henry-Jacques Pechdimaldjian (France)
BOAT: Dino Celli, type class LV (European)
YEAR: 1963   
DIMENSIONS: 3,98 m x 1,91 m 350 kg
MOTOR: Alfa Romeo 1300 cc, 4 cylinders, 120 CV
PROPELLER: Radice, Italy
HISTORY: raced from 1963 - 1972

One of the four LV class boats built by Dino Celli in the 1960's.
Gustave Chapron (french driver) 6 time European Championship in Lyon, France
François Bisbal (French driver): World Records - 5, 10 & 15 miles in 1964 in Paris

This boat has been recently restored by Henry-Jacques Pechdimaldjian, 
Chairman - Cercle du Motonautique Classique – On lake Iseo, Italy, June 2005
(photo provided by Guido Romani)










I purchased the hydroplane in 1989 and I dit not know it was Loustic II, so I made a first restoration which was not good.
In 2003/2004, when I found the story, I re-restored it.

Henry-Jacques Pechdimaldjian

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