Lil' Soopee II

Lil' Soopee II

Photo courtesy of Ken Helwig

Lil' Soopee II

1965 Peter Borough Grand Prix 1965
Photo courtesy of Ken Helwig

My Dad and I acquired the first Miss Valleyfield built by Fred Brouse.  It was also ran by Ken Helwig as the Lil' Soopee II. I have been in touch with both Fred and Ken and have gotten some of it's history together, but don't have any pictures of it as the Miss Valleyfield. It was built in 1959 by Brouse who raced it as the Miss Valleyfield from 1960-62, and raced by Helwig from 1963 to about 1969. We are looking for more photos of this hydro, especially as the Miss Valleyfield.

© Geoff Mead

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