Jim Hawver of Rochester NY is putting the final touches on his 7 Litre hydroplane, Betty 7. Betty 7 started it’s life as a 225 class Ventnor in 1947 as the Betty V. Jim is looking for a propeller to run in the up coming V & H events this summer. He needs a two bladed 12 x 19 wheel for a 1-inch shaft. If you can help Jim out, he can be reached at 716-338-3249 or email During the month of May, Bill DeGlopper from Grand Island, NY was in Florida to pick up his Sunbeam Imp from Jim Appley. It belongs to his Y-3 Steven David’s’ 850 cubic inch hydro Century 21 Special. RACE SITES:
Photo 2: 1956 Pit scene at Laurel Lake, Millville, NJ. Shows 135 cubic inch hydros: Chas Wassalon’s Ett on the left and Ardson Bozarth’s Skip beside it. Photo 3: Paul Bauer out of Cincinnati, OH driving his 48 cubic inch hydroplane Kat-N-Nan, Y-16. Photo 4: 1958, Alton Pierson driving his record holding 280 cubic inch hydro Bo Bo Too, E-45 at Millville, NJ. Photo 5: Arnold Boyance in his high flying Ginger B too, S-216 in 1960. ©2000 Tom D'Eath |