Bill McTague of Batavia, OH along with Fred and Joe Wormis located and purchased a 1948 Bruce Smith hull, 225 cubic inch hydro complete with a flat head 6 cylinder Gray Marine racing engine and trailer. The boat was stored in a barn until the barn fell down. This boat was raced in the Ohio River area and stayed there until it was rescued. Joe Wormis tells us that this looks like a two year project. Marion Roskowski of Hobart, IN. has purchased a 91 ci. hydroplane. This was Bob Tucker’s Colcock hull, The Topper L-91, out of St. Petersburg, Florida. This boat used to be powered with a 4 cylinder Lotus Ford engine. I had the privilege of driving this boat for Bob at Guntersville, AL. in the late sixties. Everyone remembers Bob Tucker by his favorite expression: “You can beat those guys...just Put it on the Mahogany...Footboard that sucker!!!” Bob and his spouse ran Tucker Boat Tops out of St. Pete, FL and he later sold this boat to Sam Neuman of the same area. As a sidebar so that a few of our readers would know, the L class known as 91 ci. hydro was mostly a regional class that was very popular in the Southeast and Northwest during the sixties. This class was very popular nationwide in its initial development, but as time went on it then settled into a regional favorite. James Hawyer of Rochester, NY is turning into an avid collector. In a previous article we talked about Jim, who had purchased an E service Runabout Rock-A-Bye. Not satisfied and wanting a hydro, Jim has purchased 1938 Ventnor type hydro. This hull was found in a barn hanging from the ceiling. Prior to that, it spent many years in a boathouse in Eastern Pennsylvania and primarily was used as a lake toy. The pictures indicate it is a two passenger hydroplane and is powered with a flat head 4 cylinder Universal Blue Jacket twin carb engine. He is looking for information on the boat and motor as to it’s possible previous history. An interesting note is that he located this boat, while searching for an engine for the Rock-A-Bye. So watch out collectors, if you own one, it might lead to two or more!! NOTES:
Vintage interests appear to be catching on. People are seriously looking for V & H boats. Jack Fisher from Millville, NJ. recently wrote me. It appears that he has located a Charley Lloyd built 135 ci. hydroplane. This hull has been hanging in the ceiling of its owners’ shop for over 40 years. It is complete with boat, motor, & trailer. The hull appears to be quite restorable. Power is a fully modified v8 60 Ford with Edelbrock heads and manifold. It’s owner Mr. Chas. Wasilon passed away this year and his heirs are currently getting the boat ready to sell. We will keep you posted of any future information. Jack Fisher was at the Clayton Regatta and he admired the restorations. He was a good friend of Bill Ritner. Jack belongs to the Winding River Boating Assoc. of Millville, and is still active in that organization. Jack is a good standing member of APBA for over 45 years!!! Jack you did an outstanding job in locating this boat!! Readers, we need more or you to scour the barns and buildings in your area for more vintage race boats. Let us know what you find!! Billy Allen from Quincy, MA. writes us regarding his grandfather, the late Ramsey C. Allen. His grandfather was the first marine dealer in the New England area to take on the then unknown Mercury Outboard line. He tells us that a picture of Bill his father, and his D-stock Runabout 100-B is in the Clayton Museum for winning the Thousand Islands Marathan a record 5 times! So outboard history runs deep in his blood. Thanks for your note. Keeps those cards and letter coming. RACE SITES:
I will include a few more years of the Hall of Fame Roster in my next column. Keep those cards and letters coming, we really appreciate all your efforts. VINTAGE HOT BOAT OF THE MONTH:
©1995 Tom D'Eath |