Bob Foley Photo Album
Let's find out who is the fastest in a quarter mile
 Hobo II
This may be Joe Graffio
Hobo II
How ‘bout That
Howard Custom Boat owned/driven by Howard Brown.
Blown fuel Chrysler
NDBA Blown Fuel Flat record holder at 137.82 mph. How ‘bout that?
How ‘bout That
How ‘bout That
Miss Sled
Dewey Etchison owner/driver
145.86 mph. D&H Sled hull with a blown fuel Chrysler
Miss Sled
Adios two
Buzz Burns and Fag Campoy
Sanger hull with two fuel injected 327 Chevys.
NDBA Unblown Fuel record holder at 134.43 mph
Hot Tomatoe
Blown fuel Chrysler - De Silva hull
Yes, that is the way Eddie Weinberg spelled tomato.
This outfit ran on nitro methane and Eddie usually poured in the whole
can “lid label and all”
Oh yeah, they’re called Drag Boats…
Designed by Roberta Nichols. Built by De Silva. Owned by Roberta &
Jack Nichols. Driven by Jack Siebuhr.
This outfit started life with a 421 Pontiac with Mickey Thompson heads.
Kelli Dodge
Lil Ski Mer
Bob Garner’s Blown Gas Chrysler powered Miller hull.
NDBA record holder at 104.00 mph. That Chrysler is 454 cubic
inches by the way.
Lil Ski Mer
Blu Mist II
C. R. Johnson’s very quick flat bottom
Gary Colledge
Miller Custom hull running in blown fuel flat
Impulse VI
Sam Brown Sanger hull
Impulse VI
Ken Baker and his Ron Jones outboard drag hydro
Would you believe 100.55 mph in the quarter mile? On gasoline? Believe it!
Barry McCown Blown fuel Hallet hydro hull. Made many passes over 150 mph.
Set the NDBA record at 161 and change. Engine builder - Bobby Sykes,
Sr. worked for Keith Black & built the engines for Banzai.
Ralph Dubois D&H Sled hull with a blown gas Chrysler.
Mixed Emotions
Ted and Vi Phillips D&H Sled hull with a blown Gas Chrysler
NDBA Blown Gas Step hull record holder at 130.52 mph
Jim Ramsey Blown fuel flat with a Sanger hull and a supercharged Chrysler.
Mr T
Buck Smith hull owned by Bob Thomas.
This outfit was a double record holder in NDBA 109.48 mph in Unblown Fuel Flat and 105.14 mph in Unblown Gas Flat
Miss Spico
Ted Jones design. Owned by Buck Smith & driven by Larry Swabenland.
Jean Jennewein Blown fuel hydro, Sanger hull, Chrysler engine NDBA record holder at 165.44 mph
Banzai (on right) friendly rivals in Blown Fuel Hydro
El Tigre
El Tigre
El Tigre
El Tigre
El Tigre
Owned and driven by Tom Weeda a single engine, twin propeller, top fuel hydro

De Silva hull

Bob Valenzuela Blown Gas Hydro, Hallett hull

Hot Toddy’s Ghost
Larry Schwabenland driver - Roger Pillow driver
Buck Smith hull
Ken Ruffner Blown gas Chrysler powered Sanger hull
Buzz Coats Stevens hull with two injected Chevys on fuel. Restored recently by Spike Morelli
Avenger 99-F
Hey, what’s that circle boat doing at Ski-Land? One of Bud Meyer’s
266 cubic inch hydros.
Harlan Orrin designed, built and drove the boat
as a 150 with a Bud Meyers Chevy Nova engine, then as a 266 with a sbc.,
then at the drags with a injected gas 327.
After Bud Meyer and Harlan split
partnership, he formed a partnership with Pete Altman & Wayne Rexwinkle.
At the first meet at Long Beach Marine Stadium, Harlan set the APBA UGH
record @ 107.14 as 99-F HOMEWRECKER.
breaking the APBA UNBLOWN GAS, HYDRO, AUTO ENGINE, DRAG record at the
Long Beach Marine Stadium, on July 18, 1965. Also, NDBA 100 mph
club. We ran for several years undefeated.
Harlan Orrin
Citation II
Owner - Driver Rene Andre Maddox with his foot firmly planted on the loud
pedal, feeding fuel to the Dave Zeuschel engine. Thanks to Weston
Edd Mathews and Rene Alpi for identifying.
The original Citation flipped and disintegrated on its first trip thru the liquid quarter mile, in 1965. Its replacement, Citation II,
set a quarter mile top end speed record of 170.62 mph on its first pass,
in April 1966.
Not a fluke, this rig was for real, and turned a 170.76
pass at Ski Land in (May 1966?). Raised its own record to 172.90 in
July, 1966.
Destroyed in August 1966 at Oroville. The November
1966 issue of Hot Boat has a spectacular B&W flip photo showing
the hull disintegrating and Rene Andre Maddox bouncing across the lake...
this was before chute jackets boys and girls.
007 Panic Mouse
Ray Casselli
whoever he is....he turned a fast quarter mile.
All images of drag boats, both hydroplanes & flatbottoms from
Ski-Land near Perris, California which is near Riverside & March
Air Force Base.
It was built as a pay to water ski place and turned out to be a good
drag boat venue.
All photographs were taken by me and were scanned from 35 mm slides.
Thanks for visiting © 2005 Bob Foley
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