The Vintage Hydroplanes is devoted to the limited-class, inboard antique, vintage and historic hydroplanes and flatbottom race boats. Our websites have many pages filled with photographs and boat racing stories. Please note that we are mostly geared toward the limited-class, inboard hydros.
The site navigation menu on the Home page is packed full of history. Our lil’ place on the internet is simply an accumulation of contributed information from folks like you. A big THANK YOU goes out to ALL the folks who have sent me info over the years. If you have your family’s scrapbook and/or photos, please consider getting out your camera phone or scanner and email me them so others can enjoy them. Every day, something new seems to turn up and every bit helps to keep these old boat racer’s history alive. Our search engine (Google) in the Navigation page does a good job digging through our database for Phil Kunz Photography, The Vintage Hydroplanes websites, and our Facebook page and (usually) finds our info quite well. We take great strides to even tag photos and text.
Let’s also not forget folks who made all the great history that have left us. It is our honor to help keep some of their racing memories alive. You will not be forgotten.
And of course, you would not be reading this without the help of our sponsors who put their money into this endeavor (many) years ago because they believed that these racing hydros and all the great folks who designed, built and drove these boats, deserved this spot on the internet. Your comments are welcome on the Home page by simply clicking on the photo or article. Sorry, but due to spammers, your comment will need approval before appearing (and I usually approve comments quickly).
We hope you enjoy your stay!
Click the link to visit The Vintage Hydroplanes & Phil Kunz Photography Facebook page. Phil Kunz has been posting a photo every day from his vast collection on our Facebook page.
While on Facebook, we recommend that you “Like” and follow these pages:
A.P.B.A Vintage & Historic Division.
Vintage Hydroplane Lovers
Hydroplane History
Vintage Hydroplanes – Skiffs & Outboards
Three Point Hydroplanes
Feel free to comment and/or post photos on Facebook from our websites, but we would appreciate if you give photographer credit / link back to The Vintage Hydroplanes & Phil Kunz Photography.
We’ve be adding film and photo slideshows over the years to our YouTube channel. Click here to subscribe.
For watching them on your smart TV, use your remote and simply search for: The Vintage Hydroplanes

Since March 24, 2000
Our websites are not public domain.
All rights reserved goes to each individual contributor on this website.
If no contributor is named, then © 2000-2025
Phil Spruit, manager – The Vintage Hydroplanes & Phil Kunz Photography websites