Welcome to the "Media & Specification" form

This registration form is for any CURRENT owner of a vintage racing hull. A Media & Specification sheet will be written using the information you submit on the form. Your MEDIA sheet will be linked underneath your entry in the owner's directory.

This Media Sheet information will be used for promotion of vintage events, regatta announcer's use, educational and restoration purposes, historical documentation and general public knowledge.

Owners - print off copies of your Media & Specification sheet to include with any registration forms required by a vintage event. This will help the event organizer and announcers.

Please - Turn OFF your "Caps Lock" on your keyboard before typing your info into the form. Click here to go to the form page.

After you complete this form, please email me a photo that you would like to go on your Media sheet.

You may also have us build you a webpage for your restoration, old boat photos from it's racing days, etc. For that, just send me an email with photos and photo captions, your story, etc.