Vintage teams getting ready to go out for their flyby.
E-22 Chuckwagon
Petti's Pet J-35 and Miss
Crazy Thing H-1
Travis Hickman and Bill Sterrett, Jr.
The Vintage Pits at Madison, Indiana
Dave Johnson - Miss Close Shave II

Gordon Jayne - Miss Dinomytes GP-1001
Hal LeDuc - Opechee

Gary Cotter - Miss Bonnie E-11
Jon Bartell - Chuckwagon E-22

Alan Radue - Agitator E-173

Ron Taylor - Yellow Streak

Buddy Byers - Chrysler Queen H-1
Dick Harris - Lil' Miss Hillwinds
Steve Lindo - Vagabond E-103

William John - Obsession G-48
Dick Harris - Lil' Miss Hillwinds T-2

Tom D'Eath - Z-Z-Zip F-4
Bill Sterrett, Jr. - Miss Crazy
Thing H-1

Carl Wilson - Tiger N-72

Bob "Pappy" Moore - Hi-Q S-94

Tom & Judy D'Eath riding in the Madison Parade Friday night

Bill Fisk - Irishman GP-317
Bill Morrison - A-66 Competition

Steve Ladino - Miss Sapphire N-700

Tom Bertolini - Country Boy N-8
Travis Hickman - Petti's Pet J-35

Country Boy N-8

Miss Crazy Thing and Executif
Jeff "Capt. Nemo" Buckley

2003 Madison Regatta Vintage Driver's
Autograph session.

APBA Vintage & Historic chairman, Tom D'Eath
autographing my daughter's 1990 Miss Budweiser crew member

Getting ready to run as the Unlimiteds complete their qualifying laps.
All photographs to
here by Phil & Joni Spruit

Travis Hickman's Petti's Pet J-35
Bill Sterett, Jr. Miss Crazy Thing H-1

The skiffs heading out!

Irishman GP-317
Bill & Judy Fisk give you a wave

Alan Radue & Lisa take Agitator
for a spin
down Main St.

1948 Garwood Speedster
Driver: Bill "Gar" John,
Dave Johnson - Miss Close Shave II

Beth Gilday
You Go Girl

HI-Q S-94

Bill Morrison


Lil' Miss Hillwinds T-2
Dick Harris

Miss Dinomytes GP-1001
Lauterbach hull

Tommy D'Eath

Bill Fisk - Irishman GP-317
Gordon Jayne - Miss Dinomytes GP-1001
photographs to here by Phil Kunz
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