Miss Windy
Miss Windy H-909
Kankakee mid 1970's
in 1966 by Jon Stadaucher & Dave Wrzesinski. Photo
provided by Dick Harris.
1966 - The hydro was built in the fall of 1966 in Les Staudacher's shop
by Jon Staudacher & Dave Wrzesinski. (At the same time building bird
houses while still in high school). This 7 Litre hydroplane was constructed
for Jug Kelly. Also of note, Miss Windy is the last of four, conventional
7 litre hydroplanes, built by Staudacher.
1967 - Mr. Kelly lived in Chicago, hence the name Miss Windy. She
raced in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Wisconsin. The original
racing number on the hull was H-009. Jug’s friends picked numbers, H-007
Gone, H-008 Miss Chicago, for their 7 liter Hydros. Numbers
were selected during the early 007 craze of James Bond.
1971 - New paint, new number, H-909 and raced until the early 1980s.
No significant race wins have been found.
2001 - Bought and brought to California from New York. My intention was
to restore the hull and drive it as much as I can.
2002-2007 - Rebuilt hull and reskinned same. Restored and/or rebuilt all
hardware, running gear and installed 396 cu in Chevrolet with fuel injection.
She was launched in October 2007 with a new name Miss Santa Cruz H-909
(same number).
Jug Kelly: Owner/Driver (deceased). Many people have fond
memories of Jug Kelly as a character. He was a body builder and at that
time shirts were not a requirement for racing and that’s the way he raced.
His muscles flexing while steering around turning buoys, his open face
helmet, goggles and white Lifeline jacket helped create his image. The
Hilborn blower on the Chrysler Hemi engine sat so high Jug had to look
to the side of the motor to see where he was headed. His tow vehicle, a
Cadillac El Dorado convertible, was known to attract bikini clad female
Dickie Koch: Crew member. Dickie performed most of the
maintenance of the boat. Sometimes he would tow Miss Windy to races
that were a ways from Chicago. Also keeping his eye on the entourage of
female admirers.
Jack Dolan: Engine Builder (deceased). Jack was a well
known boat engine builder in the Chicago area. He used crutches to get
around the shop, but they never hampered his ability to build motors. Many
of his engines found homes in member’s boats at the “Chain of Lakes Boat
Club”. |
The condition Miss Windy was in prior to restoration.
Jon - Mike - Dave
Photo by Phil Kunz
Miss Santa Cruz
Surf City USA
Miss Santa Cruz was again on the water Dec. 31, 2007.
© Mike Reitman

As she looked in 2011.
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