Gordy Gillmer Photo Album

May 30th 1976 - Green Lake in Seattle and the class was the old five litre “F”.
This was the third time I had driven my new boat; the former Tool Crib and it was a pretty good run;
Jerry Bangs had set the competition record the year before at 99 MPH and change and this run I broke it with a 100.559. A very good day.
Here is the beginning for me (1969); not much of a boat, the only thing that I accomplished with this was being lapped by Chip Hanauer when he drove the Little Rambler.
The next boat was a seven litre; I acquired it from Bill Walker in 1971 through 1975. First time in this boat.

Green Lake 1973; the boat to my right is the Heidelberg. I'm not sure if Pat Burtram was driving or Warren Wolbert and behind him is Dale Burnison’s Country Girl.

Green Lake 1974; won the APBA National High Point Championship in 1973 (note H-1)
Her best paint job; spun her out at Liberty Lake in Spokane, Labor Day weekend 1973, destroyed the paint job.

In the early 70’s Jon Van Dyke put together a fleet of limited’s; probably the most famous was the Division 1 seven litre Tool Crib;
He also had a 280 and a 5 litre, all painted the same. In 1975 Jon was not running the 5 Litre so somehow I talked him out of it.

My second race with it, fall of 1975 at Lake Sammamish; Bud Burns in the Shady Lady (the current vintage Best Wishes) and Merl Soland in the back ground.
Fred Leland and I waiting to go that very heat in 1975.
boat went in for paint and this is the way she looked for the rest of her career with me.
Spanaway Lake 1978 Jim Balcom far left and Gary Michael far right; could not have done it without them.

Black Lake in 1980 (I think).
I took the 302 out of the Five Litre and put in a blown 350 to run seven litre; it made the boat very fast but extremely wild. She ran as Pegasus.
In the back ground is Bud Burns in his new Shady Lady and behind him, the Lauterbach Special.
I stepped up to a full size 7 litre; 427 blown Chevy.
Pegasus II ran from 1988 through 1990 when the 7 litre class was dropped from the APBA roster.
This hull still exists and has survived quite well its trip through time (it never was converted to a canopy) and hopefully next season will witness its return to the vintage circuit.

My present hull; took ten years to build; currently participates in the Grand Prix West circuit and will most likely run vintage in the distant future
© 2012 Gordy Gillmer
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